Sunday, 2 May 2010


I HATE migraines!!! I haven't posted in ages, and I've not been able to feed my 'addiction' of reading other bloggers blogs due to the fact that in 8 days I have had two of my migraines-they're not just the sort that are over in a couple of hours either...Oh no, mine last for two/three and sometimes even four days! And most of that time I have to spend in bed....UUUuurgh!

Now, rant over... :) (sorry about that!)


Because I haven't been about much, I was unable to fulfil my promise to send some items to 'Cupcakes at Home' .
(I hasten to add that I will now be sending the items off on Tuesday morning:) )
This is a blogger who has a small animal charity. Unfortunately, I'm not clever enough to have worked out how to do 'links' (lol), but you should be able to find it by looking :)
Tracy who owns the charity has just rescued some abandoned sheep, and one of them was in such a poorly way that it no longer has any ears left!! And when one of them had been sheared, they had sheared all her teats off but one, so she can't feed her lamb herself.... Oh, my heart went out to them when I saw the photos on Tracys blog.
She is going to be having a raffle in June/July, so any items that you can send she would greatly appreciate them to put in the raffle.
I'm sending the items in the photo below, - a few trivets, flower appliques, a set of crochet edged tags and a couple of crocheted corsages.
Hope these help! :)

I found the plates below in my local charity shop. I'm sorry to say, I had to leave them there... As we're moving, I just can't buy anything that's not immediately usable till we've moved. Still, I took some photos to show you :)

I love the 'retro' look, and such saucy ladies! ;)

I know you're saying I'm mad leaving them there...only £2.50 each!
Here's a picture of of our first big butterfly that we've seen in the garden this year. He liked all the colours on the washing line..

And here's our lovely bluebells (and white bells) out in the garden.


We have a guest who has been staying in the garage all winter...He gets in under the door, and comes out in the evenings to go and feed.

Just thought you might like to say hello!

Hopefully by next post I will have made some lovely little lavender cushions that I've started on to show you..
And I'm experimenting with some new appliques for my pin cuchions which I'll show you next time..
Would love to receive all your comments/ideas...
And any advice on 'linking' would be greatly appreciated! :)
Don't forget to have a look at 'Cupcakes at Home' blogger if you get a minute.
Take care everyone...x


  1. Oh, your bluebells are breathtaking! And is that a hedgehog? What a sweetheart- does he/she have a name?

    I'm so sorry you have been having these migraines. I have the same sort, and they are simply debilitating. I'm glad to see you are feeling better- you were missed :)

    For linking, you just copy the link that you want to add (control c), and then while you are writing your blogpost, highlight/select the part that you want to be clickable then click on the little icon in the tool bar that looks a bit like a sideways chain link. You'll get a new window in which to paste the link you want to add. (control v) Be careful not to repeat the http:// as it will not work if you do. It sounds difficult, but once you get the hang of it, it's no trouble at all. Good luck, and let me know if you have trouble.

    Your contributions look fabulous, by the way- I know they will make a big difference!

  2. Yes Jennie, he/she is a really cute hedgehog. We get quite a few in our garden, but this past winter is the first time we have knowingly had one stay with us. He is simply called hedgie!
    Thanks for your help with linking. I'll have a go next post...:)
    I hope my contributions do help, as those poor sheep need all the help they can get..Bless 'em..
    Donna x

  3. Oh, those nasty headaches. I used to get lots of migraines/cluster headaches in my twenties. In my thirties, I don't seem to get them as much. Must be some type of hormonal swing I suppose!

    Love those plates, but I understand you having to pass them by. I have Vargas girl prints hanging in my bathroom. I love the 1940's feel. I listen to a lot of 40's music; maybe I was born at the wrong time!
